People write for a lot of different reasons, and you can use FEBO in a lot of different ways.
You may want to write in an all-out frenzy--in the style of NaNoWriMo--to see how many words you can crank out in February. Then looking back, you'll be able to say, "Wow, look at what I can do when I put my mind to it (and dope myself up on high test caffiene)!" If that is your goal, knock yourself out. Some of you have said that you might want to finish the project you started in NaNo. And Peaches suggested that we might need to do "MARMO" to edit all the stuff we write during FEBO. Peaches is a visionary, and I believe she is going to do great things in FEBO. :~)
Or you may want to think of FEBO not as a gut-wrenching sweat-bath of a sprint, but as the beginning of a long distance race. You may want to set smaller goals that you can continue for the long haul. One Febbie said that she would like to write an encouraging word to somebody every day. You may want to set your timer for 15 minutes a day. Imagine what 15 minutes a day would add up to in a year. (And being math challenged I'll have to just imagine it. . . .)
You may want to set a goal of trying to market the stuff you've already written. Llama Momma (love the name!) wants to do an essay or article for publication once a week. Or maybe you don't want to write for publication but rather for self discovery, as in journaling or letter writing or blogging. I would love to see someone working on a family history project for FEBO. There are just so many possibilities.
So pick a project (the Great American Novel) or a time limit (10 minutes a day) or a word count (6000 words a week) or a goal (to become rich & famous by March 1st). And make plans to join us on Feb. 1st, one week from (gasp!) tomorrow!
I especially love the become rich and famous by March one. Does one have to do it by writing? Or does marrying a rich millionaire count? Not that that is a possibility today, but hey, I'm open to ideas.
Oh, hey, the rich millionaire sounds promising. . .
This project is just what I needed to get me motivated to write again. I was in a grand slump as far as writing--not even thinking about it! And having "partners in crime" so to speak makes it more fun. NaNoWriMo is a terrific idea, but there were SO MANY! A smaller group with less gradiose goals is cozier.
So once again--THANKS, Patty!
P.S. Katie has joined, too.
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