February 29th. The last day of February and of FEBO. Where do we go from here?
A Musing Mom, Donna Alice, and NancyE have suggested a Yahoo Group. That would give us all the ability to chime in whenever, and I like that.
Here is my one reservation, because I have also considered this alternative. I already belong to an on-line crit group--through Yahoo groups. I absolutely adore my group, but it can also be time consuming by spells. If I can discipline myself to turn off my email during "writing time," so that I'm not always being interrupted by Yahoo messages, I think it might work.
Let me ponder this possibility and get back to you. I don't want to lose touch with you guys. In fact, I'd like to know you better. And I'd like to have some gentle accountability to meet my writing goals. And I'd like to see all of you reach your goals too!
So, on to MARMO!
posting for bbear:
I've tried to print a comment on FEBO but am being shut out and I don't know how to fix it. So can I just tell you Patty how much it has helped me to be involved in FEBO and would so like to be able to continue to watch what you writers have to tell each other. I have only been able to complete just a little over 50% on my goal and it was so lenient to begin with, I thought. But as you mentioned life can get in the way.....unexpected things.....and it is so good to have done something which is so much more than nothing.
Thank you so much Patty for letting the Lord use you in this way!!!
posting for NancyE:
Happy Leap Day, everybody! Since is the last official day of the FEBO challenge, I want to report that just got up the nerve to e-mail the members of that discussion group I mentioned and asked if they would consider the opening of my memoir as a future reading.
On Patty's question about a better way to blog: I, too, was going to suggest a Yahoo Group. We have one for the St. Davids Christian Writers Conference board, and using it is the essence of simplicity: it's just like e-mail. In fact, if you see one specific name in the "From," you can just hit "Reply," and it will go to everyone else as well, as long as what you're replying to came via the group. Or, you can always type the group name in the "To" line. (I never figured out how to post anything on the FEBO blog, and no one could tell me how; that's why I kept sending my comments to Patty to post.)
So on into March, as it prepares to come in like a lion (in Pittsburgh, anyhow). Or maybe a polar bear. Happy writing!
I'm up for anything. Even though I didn't get to finish my major goal for FEBO--finishing my children's book, I did make progress in many writing projects. AND--I got out the much neglected manuscript today and spent two hours on it. I hope to finish by the end of March.
I'm pleased with how February went, especially knowing this group was there to report back to. I made it half-way to my submission goal and about 75% of my marketing goal. AND I got an assignment out of one of my submissions this month. For me that was huge! So thanks, Patty, for putting this together and spurring us on.
Looking forward to the next step, whatever that may be.
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